
Having Ange as my doula was by far the best decision I made in this pregnancy, and added to the whole experience in a way that is hard to describe. Through my pregnancy she was completely aligned with my goals, supporting me and helping me to prepare for the birth I hoped for in every way possible. Through labour, she didn’t miss a beat in meeting my every need, helping me through with all the techniques we’d discussed, often anticipating what I needed without me having to ask. Ange worked alongside my husband seamlessly, effortlessly supporting me in every way. My husband also commented how much he valued having Ange there. Through the postpartum period, Ange held the space for me so beautifully to be able to debrief and process my labour and birth, making me feel completely validated in my personal experience. Although my birth didn’t go "to plan" and I ended up having another emergency CS instead of the VBAC I was hoping for, I was still able to have an incredibly positive experience, and also felt completely validated in being able to grieve as I needed to. She also provided the most delicious meals for us, such a treat!!

Throughout our time together I feel that Ange went above and beyond in every way. I honestly cannot imagine this journey without Ange by my side. She is a true gem!


Wow, where do I even begin! As soon as my husband and I met Ange we knew she was the doula for us. Her warm embracing energy just instantly put our minds at ease. Being our first pregnancy we had no idea what we were in for or what to expect which is why we decided on a doula for that extra support, not only for me but for my husband as well. Ange was a wealth of knowledge and helped us prepare for the birth we had always hoped for. Ange supported us the whole way through and honestly we would have been lost without her. Through our lengthy labour she did not leave our side and met our every need. Ange was the guidance and support that we needed to help bring our beautiful baby girl into this world with a natural water birth and I truly don’t think I would’ve had the birth that I did if it wasn’t for Ange. Our postpartum experience with Ange has been just as beautiful, with her cooking us beautiful meals, and looking after bubba while we have been able to rest. Giving us an environment to be able to talk about our labour and experiences with no judgement. Ange is genuinely one of a kind and we will be forever grateful for her.


In our 4th trimester, Ange has been our angel. Our weekly conversations have helped me process my unfolding experience of being a new mother. On top of this, Ange made us nourishing food and organised our space, bringing clarity and ease every time. Ange’s doula offering is the ‘village’ experience I was always hoping for.


From a fellow birth worker...

Last night I was blessed to work again with this wonderful woman as we shared in supporting a beautiful young woman transition into motherhood. If you are looking for a beautiful birth experience I wholeheartedly recommend the awe-inspiring Ange from @moonandback.birth