About Doula Support

Having a doula can assist with providing continuity of support through a woman’s pregnancy, birthing and postpartum journey. Research evidence has linked doula support with a number of improved outcomes. For example, research evidence from Klaus, Kennel and Klaus has found there to be an association between doula support and improved outcomes including:

Kayla Marie Photography

A Cochrane review (Bohren et al. 2017) on the use of continuous support for women during childbirth found that mothers who received continuous support where a support person stayed by their side through labour and birth were more likely to have vaginal births and less likely to have any pain medication, epidurals, negative feelings about childbirth, vacuum or forceps assisted births, and caesarean. In addition, their labours were shorter by around 40 minutes and their babies were less likely to have low Apgar scores at birth. There is a smaller amount of evidence that doula support in labour can lower postpartum depression in mothers. There is no evidence for negative consequences to continuous labour support. The results of this study mean that if a birthing mother has continuous labour support, birth mothers and babies are statistically more likely to have better outcomes.

The researchers also looked to see if the type of support made a difference. For reducing caesarean section rates and increasing the likelihood of a spontaneous vaginal birth, the best results occurred when the birthing woman had continuous labour support from a DOULA – someone who was NOT a staff member at the hospital and who was NOT part of their social network.

If you wish to read more on evidence for doula support, see article ‘Evidence on: Doulas’ from evidencebasedbirth.com

Doulas can support through:

If you feel drawn to connect with me, I would love to hear from you! Feel free to dm me on Insta or email me at moonandbackbirth@gmail.com . I am more than happy to answer any questions you may have or to make a time to meet in person.